3D² Framework

What is 3D2 Framework?

The 3D2 Framework is a processual representation which can be used to map individual or group educational practice. For example, a teacher could place their practice at a moment in time and point towards the direction that s/he wishes to go to. A group of teachers could map their practices and see how these differ from each other. Also, a whole community of practice could map their practice and form clusters of learning and teaching experience practice that can be interpreted in relation to their discipline, context, etc.

The framework considers two different dimensions:

  1. Educational Practice
  2. Digital Confidence

These dimensions are divided in three stages:

  1. Discover and Discuss
  2. Design and Deploy
  3. Demonstrate and Disseminate
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The framework dimensions

Educational practices

This dimension focuses on the experience that teachers create for their students, ideally moving from a focus on the content, delivery and assessment, to a greater autonomous responsibility being negotiated with the learners. By “empowering” the learners, the framework designers imply the teacher’s role progressively moves towards that of a facilitator and moderator of the experience. From this perspective, students can have a role as partners and are strongly encouraged to engage collaboratively with each other. Students are more likely to have choice on the timing of the learning process, more flexibility, and self-control on how they engage. Also, we understand that the upper levels of development of educational practice, scalable solutions are found to extend and sustain teaching innovations, so they become manageable for the teacher. Because the success of such innovations is dependent on both students and teachers to negotiate and share responsibility, which is a concept that has been well dealt with by Nash & Winstone (2017).

Digital Confidence

Teachers’ level of digital confidence will impact to what extent they integrate technology in their learning and teaching experience practice meaningfully and effectively. When considering existing models that would guide this recognition framework, it was important to choose one which was designed around a positive language, emphasizing confidence as opposed to a more evaluative, or even judgemental, ‘competence’. While comprehensive digital competence frameworks and evaluation tools were carefully considered (e.g. such as the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators, DigCompEdu), it was also important to us to select a simple and intuitive model that could engage a wide audience, to enhance the usability and practicality of our framework.

The framework stages

Discover and discuss

The stage at which teachers discover and consider new opportunities to empower learners through their learning and teaching practice, interrogate their digital confidence and discover new educational technologies that may serve these opportunities, and start exploring their own disciplinary and contextual identity in relation to these issues. At this stage, the focus is still on the individual design of learning, but the practitioner is starting to open her/his practice through discussion, exploring and reflecting on other options, and is open to building on the designs of others.

Design and deploy

The stage at which teachers engage in the design and deployment of initiatives to empower learners through their learning and teaching practice, use new educational technologies to do this while developing their digital confidence, and find the disciplinary and contextual fit for their new educational practice. At this stage, a shift from the individual design of learning to the co-design of learning commences, where teachers articulate their pedagogy and start to adopt, adapt, test and improve learning designs.

Demonstrate and disseminate

The stage at which teachers demonstrate the impact of their innovations through evaluation of their practice and disseminate their initiatives to empower learners through their learning and teaching practice, achieve a high level of digital confidence, and reflect on their own disciplinary and contextual identity. At this stage, focus has shifted away from individual design of learning to one that is inspired by OEP and contributes back to the teaching community with sharing of practices. In an ideal case, teachers are part of an innovative, professional learning community, where teachers co-create and share learning designs (Laurillard, 2012).