
Educational practice: descriptors

When using technology in my teaching…
  Discover & discuss Design & deploy Demonstrate & disseminate
Student engagement I mostly focus on good delivery of content with some elements of active learning I design and deploy educational practices that engage students in their learning process I evaluate the effectiveness of my approach to student engagement and disseminate my practices.
Consideration of students’ diversity I consider my students’ needs and discuss these with students and my colleagues. I provide flexible access to the content and learning process based on my students’ diverse needs. I evaluate and disseminate my practices that respect individual student needs and diverse communities
Student empowerment I alone set the content, activities and assessment, but I am open to sharing some of this responsibility. My students partly co-manage and/or co-create the content and activities (individually or collaboratively) My students are actors in the design and implementation of L&T activities
Sustainability Teaching innovations mostly involve additional workload for me and/or my students, but I am open to exploring creative options to find more sustainable solutions I design and implement scalable solutions that extend and sustain teaching innovations, so they become manageable for me and my students I demonstrate, share and promote scalable solutions that extend and sustain teaching innovations with others, so they become manageable for other teachers
Open practice I discuss educational practices with my colleagues, but mostly in closed and informal circles I reflect and collaborate with my colleagues in designing educational activities and engage in continuous professional development I adopt an evidence-based approach and share my practices (case studies, blog posts, presentations, publications, and mentoring others)

Digital confidence: descriptors

When using technology in my teaching…
  Discover & discuss Design & deploy Demonstrate & disseminate
Find and use I have a general awareness of the skills and literacies needed to find and use pertinent information and data effectively. I engage with the relevant literacies needed to find and use pertinent information and data effectively. I critically evaluate and disseminate my skills and literacies in finding and using pertinent information and data effectively.
Create and innovate I am aware that technology can empower people to create new resources and express ideas. I am confident and empowered in my use of technologies to create new resources and express ideas. I critically evaluate and disseminate my use of technologies to create new resources and express ideas.
Identity and wellbeing I am aware of the nature of the online self, data, privacy and the need to protect individuals and information in an ethical and respectful way. I design and deploy practices that respect the nature of the online self, data, privacy and the need to protect individuals and information in an ethical and respectful way. I critically evaluate and disseminate practices that respect the nature of the online self, data, privacy and the need to protect individuals and information in an ethical and respectful way.
Teach and learn I am aware that the use of technologies and resources can be optimised to enhance teaching and learning. I optimise the use of technologies and resources to enhance teaching and learning. I critically evaluate and disseminate practices that demonstrate optimal use of technologies and resources to enhance teaching and learning.
Tools and technology I am aware of the range of tools and technologies available and their practical applications to support learning and teaching. I use a range of tools and technologies to support learning and teaching. I critically evaluate and disseminate my use of a range of tools and technologies to support learning and teaching.
Communicate and collaborate I am aware of the need for people to connect with each other and share ideas, regardless of distance or time. I connect with other people and share ideas, regardless of distance or time. I critically evaluate and disseminate the ways in which I connect with people to share idea, regardless of distance or time.
Open practice I discuss issues of digital confidence and skills with my colleagues, but mostly in closed and informal circles I reflect and collaborate with my colleagues to develop my digital confidence and skills, and my students’ I critically discuss and share my digital skills with colleagues and others (through teaching, CPD, scholarship, etc)

Educational practice

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Digital confidence

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Discover and discuss

The stage at which teachers discover and consider new opportunities to empower learners through their learning and teaching practice, interrogate their digital confidence and discover new educational technologies that may serve these opportunities, and start exploring their own disciplinary and contextual identity in relation to these issues. At this stage, the focus is still on the individual design of learning, but the practitioner is starting to open her/his practice through discussion, exploring and reflecting on other options, and is open to building on the designs of others.

Design and deploy

The stage at which teachers engage in the design and deployment of initiatives to empower learners through their learning and teaching practice, use new educational technologies to do this while developing their digital confidence, and find the disciplinary and contextual fit for their new educational practice. At this stage, a shift from the individual design of learning to the co-design of learning commences, where teachers articulate their pedagogy and start to adopt, adapt, test and improve learning designs.

Demonstrate and disseminate

The stage at which teachers demonstrate the impact of their innovations through evaluation of their practice and disseminate their initiatives to empower learners through their learning and teaching practice, achieve a high level of digital confidence, and reflect on their own disciplinary and contextual identity. At this stage, focus has shifted away from individual design of learning to one that is inspired by OEP and contributes back to the teaching community with sharing of practices. In an ideal case, teachers are part of an innovative, professional learning community, where teachers co-create and share learning designs (Laurillard, 2012).