360° video lessons within workplace learning


Level - 3D Education, Mechanics

About this video

This practice describes the use of 360° and VR within the concept of workplace learning. This allows students to learn in a virtual workplace, where they receive guidance and information on authentic tasks. This prepares them for what they later will have to do as real employees.

OEP Video Sheet

Title of the OEP 360° video lessons within workplace learning
Subject Education, Mechanics
Technology used
  • Video Gaming
  • Video Technology
Software used
  • Vivista
Level EQF Level 6
Metadata blended learning, authentic learning, creativity & innovation, VR headsets, Vivista, VR glasses, immersive, Workplace learning, Mechanics
Short summary This practice describes the use of 360° and VR within the concept of workplace learning. This allows students to learn in a virtual workplace, where they receive guidance and information on authentic tasks. This prepares them for what they later will have to do as real employees.
Name of the HE Institution PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
City, Country Hasselt, Belgium
Name of the department Department of Green & Tech
Name of the course(s)
Name of the HE-teacher(s)
Classroom size Small (2-25)