Using smartphones for feedback in foreign language teaching


Level - 3D Education, Foreign Languages

About this video

Two examples of student use of smartphones in the EFL classroom for feedback on spoken English (English majors) and for discussion of classroom teaching practice (Masters in Teaching English).

OEP Video Sheet

Title of the OEP Using smartphones for feedback in foreign language teaching
Subject Education, Foreign Languages
Technology used
  • Mobile Technology
  • Smartphone
  • Audio Technology
Software used
  • Not specific
Level EQF Level 7
Metadata teacher education, Soundcloud, Google forms, audio, feedback
Short summary Two examples of student use of smartphones in the EFL classroom for feedback on spoken English (English majors) and for discussion of classroom teaching practice (Masters in Teaching English).
Name of the HE Institution Université Côte d’Azur
City, Country Nice, France
Name of the department Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures
Name of the course(s)
  • English for Communication
  • Task-based language teaching
  • 2nd year English studies
  • Masters in Teaching English (MEEF anglais)
Name of the HE-teacher(s)
  • Shona Whyte
Classroom size Medium (26-50)