360-degree video lessons in healthcare


Level - 3D Healthcare

About this video

This video showcases the pedagogical usage and development process of 360-degree video lessons in the context of healthcare education. The lesson content relates to ‘basic life support’. In a trauma centre at PXL the ABCDE-procedure is demonstrated by an expert. Points of interests are highlighted within the video and become interactive by means of the Vivista-software (open source). In the second part of the video more insights is provided in the technological development process and software used. Some general considerations are shared at the end of the video.

OEP Video Sheet

Title of the OEP 360-degree video lessons in healthcare
Subject Healthcare
Technology used
  • Video Technology
Software used
  • Vivista
  • canva
  • Adobe Premiere
Level EQF Level 6
Metadata blended learning, healthcare, authentic learning, creativity & innovation, VR headsets, Vivista, VR glasses, immersive, 360-degree video lessons
Short summary This video showcases the pedagogical usage and development process of 360-degree video lessons in the context of healthcare education. The lesson content relates to ‘basic life support’. In a trauma centre at PXL the ABCDE-procedure is demonstrated by an expert. Points of interests are highlighted within the video and become interactive by means of the Vivista-software (open source). In the second part of the video more insights is provided in the technological development process and software used. Some general considerations are shared at the end of the video.
Name of the HE Institution PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
City, Country Hasselt, Belgium
Name of the department Department of Healthcare
Name of the course(s)
  • Basic Life Support
Name of the HE-teacher(s)
  • Joachim Gregoor
Classroom size Small (2-25)