A Digital Library of Language Learning Exercises


Level - 3D Languages

About this video

This practice comprises the integration of a digital library of language learning exercises. At PXL, the software is applied for the Foreign languages English, French and German. Students are expected to make exercises independently and remotely as part of a blended learning design. A wide variety of exercise types is available in the ACE eXplio-software. The lecturers have full access to the progress of all students and can adjust the teaching approach accordingly.

OEP Video Sheet

Title of the OEP A Digital Library of Language Learning Exercises
Subject Languages
Technology used
  • Quizzes
  • Online Exercises
  • Asynchronous
Software used
  • Online language learning exercises
  • ACE eXplio
Level EQF Level 6
Metadata blended learning, area 3: teaching & learning, area 5: empowering learners, language learning, language exercises, area 4: assessment
Short summary This practice comprises the integration of a digital library of language learning exercises. At PXL, the software is applied for the Foreign languages English, French and German. Students are expected to make exercises independently and remotely as part of a blended learning design. A wide variety of exercise types is available in the ACE eXplio-software. The lecturers have full access to the progress of all students and can adjust the teaching approach accordingly.
Name of the HE Institution PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
City, Country Hasselt, Belgium
Name of the department Department of Business
Name of the course(s)
  • Business English
Name of the HE-teacher(s)
  • Stephan Hulsbosch
Classroom size Medium (26-50)