An ESP online blogging course for second year human sciences students


Level - 3D Languages

About this video

This video presents a distance learning course for second year human sciences students. This ESP course focuses on blogging as a learning tool and course objective.

OEP Video Sheet

Title of the OEP An ESP online blogging course for second year human sciences students
Subject Languages
Technology used
  • Blogs and Wikis
  • Asynchronous
  • Learning Platforms
Software used
  • Moodle
Level EQF Level 3
Metadata distance learning, ESP
Short summary This video presents a distance learning course for second year human sciences students. This ESP course focuses on blogging as a learning tool and course objective.
Name of the HE Institution Université Montpellier 3 Paul Valéry
City, Country Montpellier, France
Name of the department Foreign and Regional Languages and Cultures Faculty
Name of the course(s)
  • English for 2nd year students in human sciences
Name of the HE-teacher(s)
  • Alison Bouhmid
Classroom size Medium (26-50)