Project Management Tools in IT education


Level - 2D IT

About this video

In this video, Steven Palmaers, Head of Research at the PXL Centre of Expertise Smart ICT and lecturer in the PXL-Digital department, explains how project management tools have been implemented in the study programme, which issues arise and which opportunities emerge. He is interviewed by Michaël Empsen, researcher at the PXL Centre of Educational Innovation.

OEP Video Sheet

Title of the OEP Project Management Tools in IT education
Subject IT
Technology used
  • project management tool
Software used
  • JIRA
  • Trello
  • Confluence
Level EQF Level 6
Metadata IT, software, programming, project management
Short summary In this video, Steven Palmaers, Head of Research at the PXL Centre of Expertise Smart ICT and lecturer in the PXL-Digital department, explains how project management tools have been implemented in the study programme, which issues arise and which opportunities emerge. He is interviewed by Michaël Empsen, researcher at the PXL Centre of Educational Innovation.
Name of the HE Institution PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
City, Country Hasselt, Belgium
Name of the department Department of Digital
Name of the course(s)
  • IT project
  • Mobile Development
Name of the HE-teacher(s)
  • Steven Palmaers
Classroom size Medium (26-50)