Smartphonics: interactive practical work using smartphone technology


Level - 3D Physics

About this video

This video showcases a set of practices for carrying out scientific experiments using smartphone technology. Using a range of applications, learners repurpose their smartphones to take measurements and gather data in a variety of settings.

OEP Video Sheet

Title of the OEP Smartphonics: interactive practical work using smartphone technology
Subject Physics
Technology used
  • Mobile Technology
  • Smartphone
Software used
  • Tracker
  • FiJi
  • Python
  • Jupyter
  • Phyphox
Level EQF Level 6
Metadata smartphone, practical work, physics
Short summary This video showcases a set of practices for carrying out scientific experiments using smartphone technology. Using a range of applications, learners repurpose their smartphones to take measurements and gather data in a variety of settings.
Name of the HE Institution Université de Bordeaux
City, Country Bordeaux, France
Name of the department Unité de Formation de Physique
Name of the course(s)
  • Physics practicals
Name of the HE-teacher(s)
  • Ulysse Delabre
Classroom size Small (2-25)