Using FlipGrid and YouTube for blended learning


Level - 3D Teacher Education, Education

About this video

This video focuses on the use of FlipGrid and YouTube for blended learning. The technology was used on Education courses in order to accommodate for distance teaching and blended learning

OEP Video Sheet

Title of the OEP Using FlipGrid and YouTube for blended learning
Subject Teacher Education, Education
Technology used
  • Video Technology
  • Learning Platforms
Software used
  • YouTube
  • FlipGrid
Level EQF Level 4
Metadata blended learning, YouTube, FlipGrid
Short summary This video focuses on the use of FlipGrid and YouTube for blended learning. The technology was used on Education courses in order to accommodate for distance teaching and blended learning
Name of the HE Institution Cardiff Metropolitan University
City, Country Cardiff, United Kingdom
Name of the department
Name of the course(s)
  • Education Studies
  • Primary Education Studies
Name of the HE-teacher(s)
  • Nick Young
  • Kieran Hodgkin
Classroom size Very Large (101+)