Using podcasting on Initial Teacher Education courses to enhance learning and teaching


Level - 3D Teacher Education, Education

About this video

In this video, Emma Thayer and Tom Breeze discuss their use of podcasting on various teacher training courses. They outline the reasoning for using podcasts, the benefits of doing so and how to go about starting your own educational podcast.

OEP Video Sheet

Title of the OEP Using podcasting on Initial Teacher Education courses to enhance learning and teaching
Subject Teacher Education, Education
Technology used
  • Podcasting
Software used
Level EQF Level 7
Short summary In this video, Emma Thayer and Tom Breeze discuss their use of podcasting on various teacher training courses. They outline the reasoning for using podcasts, the benefits of doing so and how to go about starting your own educational podcast.
Name of the HE Institution Cardiff Metropolitan University
City, Country Cardiff, United Kingdom
Name of the department
Name of the course(s)
  • Education Studies
  • Initial Teacher Education
Name of the HE-teacher(s)
  • Emma Thayer
  • Tom Breeze
Classroom size Small (2-25)