Creating Stop-Motion Animation Videos using Green Screens


Level - 3D Education

About this video

This video demonstrates the use of green screens with Level 6 Education Studies students. They used the technology in order to create short stop-motion animation videos.

OEP Video Sheet

Title of the OEP Creating Stop-Motion Animation Videos using Green Screens
Subject Education
Technology used
  • Synchronous
  • Video Technology
  • Class Display Technology
Software used
Level EQF Level 6
Metadata green screens
Short summary This video demonstrates the use of green screens with Level 6 Education Studies students. They used the technology in order to create short stop-motion animation videos.
Name of the HE Institution Cardiff Metropolitan University
City, Country Cardiff, United Kingdom
Name of the department
Name of the course(s)
  • Education Studies
Name of the HE-teacher(s)
  • Nick Young
Classroom size Small (2-25)